Progression Fitness Xplode Super Band

Cost-effective, adaptable, compact, portable, versatile, safe and effective – if you think getting all these qualities in one exercise tool is a stretch, you’re right. Grudgingly elastic, highly durable Xplode Super Bands go anywhere, store easily and lend themselves to a wide range of effective exercises for the legs, arms, chest, abs and more.

Properly practiced, resistance band training can deliver the same whole-body workout you’d ordinarily expect only from racks of weights and huge machines. Gyms aren’t always easy to get to when you’re on the road and observing a tight schedule. This entire set of multi-coloured bands fits into one gym bag, and you can use them to exercise indoors or outdoors in almost any sized space. You won’t need a spotter, as even the heaviest bands can’t possibly crush any part of you.

The varying thicknesses of these bands enables you to find the exact resistance level to incrementally increase your pulling strength or perfect your form, but they can do much more than that. Because you’re able to pull them in almost any direction, they’re tailor-made for mobility training that targets, stretches and strengthens specific joint muscle groups – quickly increasing their flexibility and range of motion. By the same token, bands can be used to lessen your own weight, enabling you to do 20 assisted pullups, chin-ups or muscle-ups, instead of struggling to do one unassisted.

Xplode Super Bands are perfect for dips, plyometrics, aerobics, stretching, flexibility exercises, general conditioning, rehabilitation and rehabilitation workouts. They’re made of 100% natural latex and fortified by a continuous layering process, ensuring long life and strength that won’t falter as yours improves.

They’re available in seven different widths to provide a range of resistance:

  • Grey: 1 -15lbs (41'' x .25'')
  • Red: 5-35lbs (41" x 0.5")
  • Black: 10-60lbs (41" x 1")
  • Purple: 25-80lbs (41" x 1.25")
  • Orange: 35-100lbs (41" x 1.5")
  • Green: 50-120lbs (41" x 1.75")
  • Blue: 60-150lbs (41" x 2.5")