Ritual G6 Pro+ Senior Goalie Catcher

$499.99 $629.99

Intro & New Features

The next installment of Warrior’s Ritual goalie gear series is finally here; the Ritual G6 E+ catcher looks to bring solid tech from previous models along with some higher-end features. Features include an AxyFlex Single-T design, CoverEDGE+, a 75° break angle, and an open-style cuff.

External Material

Similar to how it works in the leg pads, CoverEDGE+ in the glove pushes the face forward a bit to cut the angle when challenging a shooter and the shot. On the G6 E+, the dimensions extend at the fingers, offering a longer catching area.

Break Angle

The G6 E+ uses a 75-degree break angle, which is an index to mid-thumb closure. This kind of break angle is very finger-driven, meaning it will appeal to goalies who prefer that kind of feel.

Pocket Design

The pocket uses a single-T coupled with an AxyFlex T design to maximize angles and perceived pocket size when challenging a player and the puck. The pocket with AxyFlex looks bigger, since the T is angled more toward the pocket, and additionally helps deflect pucks downward into the pocket rather than outward for a rebound.

The liner in the G6 E+ catcher is fully removable with a 75° finger positioning.


The strapping style of the G6 hasn’t changed from the G4. The removable palm is carried over as it has been in the previous iterations of the G series, allowing goalies to change the catch angle of the trapper with additional palms available through Warrior if they so choose.

Cuff Design

The cuff on the G6 E+ is similar to the previous G5, which allowed for full wrist mobility without any restrictions. The one-piece cuff and thumb design let the goalie present their glove the way they want to hold it, giving you more confidence in making the glove save.